
Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproduction

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Transient deficiency of antithrombin during pregnancy in a woman with a history of reproductive losses


Antithrombin deficiency is associated with a high risk of thrombotic events and obstetric complications. Even under an antithrombotic therapy, adverse pregnancy outcomes may occur. We present a case of successful pregnancy completion in a woman with newly diagnosed antithrombin deficiency and a history of miscarriages without thrombotic events. In the postpartum period, her antithrombin level restored to normal.

About the Authors

L. O. Buzyan
LLC «MedInService», Center of Reproduction and Genetics «Nova Сlinik»
Russian Federation

Buzyan Lydia Olegovna – General Practitioner, Center of Reproduction and Genetics «Nova Сlinik»

33, str 4, ul. Usacheva, Moscow, 119048

V. S. Chulkov
South-Ural State Medical University, Health Ministry of Russian Federation
Russian Federation

Chulkov Vasily Sergeevich – MD, Associate Professor, Department of Unternal Medicine

64, ul. Vorovskogo, Chelyabinsk, 454092


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For citations:

Buzyan L.O., Chulkov V.S. Transient deficiency of antithrombin during pregnancy in a woman with a history of reproductive losses. Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproduction. 2018;12(2):62-67. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2313-7347 (Print)
ISSN 2500-3194 (Online)