Transient deficiency of antithrombin during pregnancy in a woman with a history of reproductive losses
Antithrombin deficiency is associated with a high risk of thrombotic events and obstetric complications. Even under an antithrombotic therapy, adverse pregnancy outcomes may occur. We present a case of successful pregnancy completion in a woman with newly diagnosed antithrombin deficiency and a history of miscarriages without thrombotic events. In the postpartum period, her antithrombin level restored to normal.
About the Authors
L. O. BuzyanRussian Federation
Buzyan Lydia Olegovna – General Practitioner, Center of Reproduction and Genetics «Nova Сlinik»
33, str 4, ul. Usacheva, Moscow, 119048
V. S. Chulkov
Russian Federation
Chulkov Vasily Sergeevich – MD, Associate Professor, Department of Unternal Medicine
64, ul. Vorovskogo, Chelyabinsk, 454092
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For citations:
Buzyan L.O., Chulkov V.S. Transient deficiency of antithrombin during pregnancy in a woman with a history of reproductive losses. Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproduction. 2018;12(2):62-67. (In Russ.)

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