Objective. The research objective is the development of effective method for the treatment of complicated ectopia of the cervix, allowing to reduce the frequency of relapses.
Materials and methods. A comprehensive examination of 86 women with complicated ectopia of the cervix has been undertaken. In the main group (n=45) our proposed method of treatment of ectopia of the cervix has been applied, which, in addition to the performance of coagulation, involves two successive stages: preparing for coagulation and treatment in the postoperative period including Galavit (patent for invention № 2568768). In the comparison group (n=41) coagulation ectopia of uterine cervix was preceded by empirical antibiotic and antiviral therapy. Diagnostic measures included bacteriological and cytological examination, HPV testing, extended colposcopy, PCR diagnostic and ELISA blood test for the detection of causative agents of urogenital infections.
Results. The analysis of the postoperative period and control the colposcopy showed that in the majority of cases in the main group the reparative process ended by the end of the 3rd week (62.2%), the full impact of all the patients was recorded at the 5th week after the treatment (100%), the relapse has not been revealed within 2 years. In the comparison group the slowing down of terms of epithelialization of the wound surface of the uterus after coagulation has been noted, the lack of treatment effect has been found in 9.8% of patients, and the relapse within 2 years and 17.1% of women has been stated.
Conclusion. The developed method allows to increase the efficiency of treatment by sequential combined effects on cause and effect of pathological changes on the cervix: the elimination of etiopathogenetic factors ectopia of the cervix, coagulation of the pathological section, stimulation of the immune system and reparative processes.
About the Authors
Y. V. MikheevaRussian Federation
postgraduate student of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, faculty of Pediatrics,
ul. Bolshaya Kazachya, 112, Saratov, 410012
N. F. Khvorostukhina
Russian Federation
PhD, associate professor, head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Pediatrics,
ul. Bolshaya Kazachya, 112, Saratov, 410012
D. A. Novichkov
Russian Federation
candidate of medical sciences, associate professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Pediatrics,
ul. Bolshaya Kazachya, 112, Saratov, 410012
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For citations:
Mikheeva Y.V., Khvorostukhina N.F., Novichkov D.A. A MODERN APPROACH TO THE TREATMENT OF COMPLICATED ECTOPIA OF THE CERVIX. Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproduction. 2016;10(2):24-31. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.17749/2313-7347.2016.10.2.024-031
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