
Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproduction

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Objective. A study of the effectiveness of drugs Mastopol in the treatment of diffuse benign breast disease and mastodynia. Materials and methods. The patient underwent a comprehensive examination of the breast.Treatment was carried out one of the successfully used medications for the treatment of diffuse benign breast disease, non-hormonal homeopathic remedy plant origin Mastopol. Indications for the use of Mostopol is a comprehensive treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy, mastodynia. Results. We examined 45 women aged 30-44 years, who appealed with complaints of pain in both breast. All the patients underwent a comprehensive examination, which included clinical examination, mammography, sonography of the breast and axillary regions. The entire group was discovered fibrocystic breast disease of different forms and degrees of severity. All the patients had been appointed Mastopol in standard doses. After one course of treatment (8 weeks), 43 (95,5%) patients noted a positive effect. 29 (65%) patients noted marked improvement of health, reduction or disappearance of mastalgia. 14(35%) patients emphasized the reduction of intensity of premenstrual syndrome. Conclusions. The results of these studies showed high efficacy Mastopol in the treatment of mastalgia and diffuse benign changes in the breast.The positive dynamics was achieved quickly and efficiently in most cases (95.5 percent). Signs of mastodynia were resolved after a single course of treatment. Two courses of conservative therapy yielded positive results, confirmed by objective clinical data and research sonography of the breast. The reduction of the size of cysts, reduction in the density and swelling of the breast tissue. The use of the drug Mastopol no identified side effects. Mastopol can be widely recommended for the treatment of mastodynia and diffuse benign disease (mastopathy).

About the Authors

N. I. Rozhkova
Moscow Research Institute of Oncology named after PA Herzen Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow
Russian Federation
MD, Professor, Director

I. I. Burdina
Moscow Research Institute of Oncology named after PA Herzen Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow
Russian Federation
PhD, senior researche

S. B. Zapirova
Moscow Research Institute of Oncology named after PA Herzen Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow
Russian Federation
PhD, senior researche

M. L. Mazo
Moscow Research Institute of Oncology named after PA Herzen Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow
Russian Federation
PhD, senior researche

S. P. Prokopenko
Moscow Research Institute of Oncology named after PA Herzen Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow
Russian Federation
PhD, senior researche

O. E. Yakobs
Moscow Research Institute of Oncology named after PA Herzen Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow
Russian Federation
PhD, senior researche


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For citations:

Rozhkova N.I., Burdina I.I., Zapirova S.B., Mazo M.L., Prokopenko S.P., Yakobs O.E. THE TREATMENT OF DIFFUSE BENIGN BREAST DISEASE AND MASTODYNIA. Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproduction. 2015;9(3):22-27. (In Russ.)

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